Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Shops that ship internationally - Welcome

I was born and raised in the good ol' USA, where shopping is entertainment. On Sunday afternoons, we hit the mall (if we were lucky) and going shopping with my mom was fun. The shopping where I live now is somewhat less exciting, more expensive & with less variety. I've spent loads of time searching for a resource for online shops that ship internationally, especially ones that ship for free and I've never found any such resource that doesn't try to tack on various fees.

So far, I've found quite a few shops that do ship internationally & in this blog, I'll share them with you. Each post will include at least one shop or one deal that's actually reasonable. I mean, Land's End ships internationally, but their fees start at $28 (for countries other than the US, Canada & Japan) - so that doesn't cut it for me.

If you've got any recommendations, send them over & I'll make sure to give you credit.

Here's the first: Book Depository - Free International Shipping on every item. They have a wide variety of books, for example:

Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney, illustrated by Anita Jeram (and just happens to be one of my favorite books) for just $2.93.

and they've got Origami paper starting at $3.55 - and remember, these prices include free worldwide delivery - the price you see is the price you get*. I've ordered from them a few times so far and I'm impressed.

*Prices quoted based on today's exchange rate from British Pound to US Dollar. Prices fluctuate with the exchange rate.